In my previous blog, we talked about setting up your book on KDP and all the essential details you need to know to make the process as smooth as possible. Now, it's time to dive into the key to success - your book cover.
Step 1: Download the book cover template
Head over to Paperback Content and scroll down until you can see this section where you'll be able to upload your book cover:

But first, before uploading, click to Download a KPD template - this will ensure all the elements of your cover are positioned correctly.

Step 2: Enter your book details

Step 3: Calculate book cover dimensions
After entering all the information about the book, you will be able to calculate your book's dimensions.
Note: The template you're seeing is an example, but it's not the true version. You'll be able to see the true template when you click on Download Template.
If you're using a design software for your cover, the dimensions you see on the top will be very handy:

But since we're going to be using Procreate, I'll show you a different way of designing your book cover!
Step 4: Download the template
To be able to design your book cover in Procreate, download your template - you'll see this file pop up come up once your template is ready:
Step 5: Import the template into Procreate
Open up Procreate and go to where your final book cover design in. Create a new layer and import the PNG template that you got from KDP.

This is how your layer panel should look like:

Step 6: Decrease template opacity
Open up your layer panel and decrease the opacity of your template layer. This will make it clear how all of the different elements from the template align with your book cover design. If necessary, flip the template around so that elements such your barcode are in the correct place.

Step 7: Check the details
Now, it's time to check all of the little elements that comprise your book cover. Make sure that everything you want to be visible is within the bleed lines, that no text is cut off and that your book's spine looks good:

As long as everything that you want to be visible is within the dashed line, you're good!
Step 8: Save your book cover
If you're happy with how your design and layout look, you can turn off your template layer and save your book cover.

Note: You'll need to upload your book cover as a PDF, so make sure you choose the file type correctly when exporting!

Step 9: Upload your book cover
Finally, it's time to upload your book cover!

Once the cover is uploaded, you will be able to launch the previewer again to make sure that you're fully happy with how it looks:

This is your final chance to check that everything is positioned the way you want it to be and that nothing is getting cut off. Click Approve and continue to the next step!
Step 10: Publish your book
This is the exciting part - we're finally ready to publish our book! After you click to publish, you will see a pop up screen with your book's details:

Note: Your book will not be available straight away as it needs to go through a review process. Once done, your book will be published on Amazon and will be available for purchase!
Step 11: Enjoy your newly published book!
I got my finished product and I'm so happy with the results. The cover looks great, and so does the spine - what more could I ask for?

Grab your copy of Travel Adventure Line Drawing and go make some art (and publish that book you had in mind for ages!).