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4 Huge Myths About Course Creation

4 Huge Myths About Course Creation

Online courses are an incredibly powerful tool for both you as a creator and those who have something to gain from your skillset. Unfortunately, a lot of common myths hold many people back from creating their online courses. But that’s just what they are – MYTHS! If any of the following topics are reasons you haven’t taken the leap to start an online course, it’s time to ignore them. Full IGNORE.


Myth #1: You Don’t Know Enough

If you find yourself holding back on creating an online course because you don’t feel like you’re the most intelligent person on the subject, you are doing yourself a disservice.

When you teach others something you are passionate about, it doesn’t matter if you are an expert or not. What matters is that it is something you have experience with that you feel you want to share.

Remember this: You only need to know more than your audience. Take the knowledge you know and present it in a way that is easy to understand. If you find any gaps in your knowledge for your course – take the time to learn them! Nobody expects you to be perfect. 


Course creation tips


Myth #2: It’s Already Been Done Before

SPOILER ALERT: True, there are thousands of online courses offered across every different niche. BUT - None of them have been offered by YOU. Think of how many brands of peanut butter you see on the shelf when you go to the grocery store. Despite them all being “the same,” I bet you still have your favorite (food analogies... always food analogies). And everyone you know probably has a different favorite. Imagine if all of those brands decided not to make peanut butter because it had already been done before. The same goes for you!

You have a completely different set of skills and experiences from every other online course creator. What makes you different is what will make others want to sign up for your courses. Don’t avoid starting because you think it’s already been done before. 

How to make online courses


Myth #3: You Need to Appeal to the Masses

When first starting off in online courses, many creators try to pick the low-hanging fruit and create courses centered around popular trends that reach a broad audience. If something is trending that you have experience or interest in, sure, you can take advantage of it. But if you only want to create a course because something is popular and not because you know anything about it, it’s sure to fail. Trends come and go, but what will make your online courses successful is sticking with subjects that you are knowledgeable in. When you share from your own experiences, you are bound to add more value to your readers and get them excited about it too.


Myth #4: It’s Too Much Work

Many people avoid getting started in creating online courses because they think it will be too much work. Yes, it will take work, and if you want it to be high-quality and successful, you will have to put the hours in. That being said, if it’s something you are passionate about, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to put together. You’re simply taking something you love and sharing it with others. It ends up not even feeling like work!


Often, we can be our own roadblock when tackling a significant endeavor. Many of the myths surrounding creating an online course come from our own worries, not those of others. Take time to remind yourself that you deserve to share the skills and knowledge you’ve worked hard to build.  

For more tips on creating online courses, join my private Facebook group!


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