When I was writing the subject line for this blog post, I realized that by typing the number 13, that meant that we've gone an entire year of me sharing (ekhem, oversharing) my monthly musings. Ready for some more TMI?

I'll admit that Sketchbook Bootcamp doesn't leave a lot of spare time 🙃 and that's by design. The idea is that we use our spare time to do something that we love, and in this case, that's making art! So over the past 5 weeks, I've been getting to hang out with a handful of you as we paint, draw, and even collage alongside one another, honing our craft, bettering our knowledge and skills, and most importantly, allowing ourselves time to play. And what a beautiful time this round has been!

- This might be the most unnecessary item I ever share, and I've actually had it for a long time, but finally started using it. Maybe even over-using it. Enter the most satisfying (and cutest) "stress ball"
I wasn't looking to get new slippers, but Laura got some for herself, and, well… me too now because they're pretty much perfect. Because I live in sweatpants and slippers and don't want to put hard shoes on when I take Sir Jimothy outside 🐕🦺 These slippers are amazing. I snagged the men's version (navy!) because I've got a high instep so in my mind they're wider. Who knows if that's true though.. (the product designer would know. That's who.)
Now, if you love them but then you see the bootie version and think you like them more, don't get your hopes up because the booties don't have the soft lining like these ones 😉
- This is not something I own (yet). But to say that I'm obsessed would be an understatement. I am beyond enamored with these pixel cut gemstones and I'm honestly on the edge of my seat wanting to find out who else thinks this is the coolest thing ever… or the opposite. Do you hate it? I stumbled upon this IG and watched these videos for a solid 15 minutes. I LOVE IT AND I MUST HAVE ONE.

We're headed to Australia shortly and I discovered a very cool random fact:

I polled y'all on IG the other day because I didn't want to feel so alone. That wasn't a good idea. It didn't work. Hear me out though. I knowwww the ingredients are garbage. I get ittt that whipped cream is “the real stuff." I know. I KNOW. But I can't deny the taste of Cool Whip.

Story time… (& please tell me we've all had these moments)
Feeling a lil' weepy for no reason, also “on a break” from my addiction (I'm not kidding, it's the best dessert in the entire world), and I stopped in the candy aisle at the grocery store looking for the healthy candy 🤣 and I found a package of dark chocolate peanut butter cups. In an attempt to stay away from loads of sugar and calories, I check the ingredients. “70 calories per serving" “serving size 1 cup” I proceed to feel up the package, thinking omg.. this entire package is about a cup, I CAN EAT THE ENTIRE BAG. I promise I'm not daft. Well, not usually 😬
Before we continue, let me also mention that in my weepy state, where my eyes are watering while standing alone in the cold candy aisle with the typical sad grocery store songs playing, as I try to ease my childlike emotions, the song stops. And what comes on next? 🎶 BIG GIRLS DON'T CRY 🎶 and if you know that song from the 80s, you also know that it doesn't bother with a soft music intro. Nope. Just screams at ya biiiig girls don't cry …several times. It actually made me laugh and I shook off my weird funk. I grabbed the bag of dark chocolate peanut butter cups and went home.
Continuing this healthy candy debacle. Opened the bag when I got home to find individually wrapped candy. Each one has the same nutritional information on it. As in, each individual piece. WELL OF COURSE IT DOES. Duh Peggy.
Regardless, these are delicious. 10/10 recommend.
- Remember when I shared about how I decided I'd learn how to sew this year and then went down a rabbit hole restoring an old Featherweight?
I'm pleased to follow up with these facts: I not only know how to sew, but I know the ins and outs of my machine, Bitsy (thanks to all of your help naming her!), I've altered jeans (like the FULLLL way of taking them in, all the way down the back 🤯), AND, apparently, I quilt? These are some scraps stockings. I'll show you my very first ever quilt in the next volume (I'm waiting for the backing fabric, and if you're familiar with current fabrics, it'll be no surprise which one I chose 😜).
- And finally, a little update on Jim and his stroller. It's not his favorite place to be. He's a man on a mission and containing him in a small moving box is offensive. He will, however, jump into the bottom of it when I try to pack it back into the car.
That's a wrap on Volume 13! I can't believe it. Time seriously flies. I hope these little email updates bring a welcomed twist of random fun to your day. The next one will come in the brand new year! You know what that means. It's time to start thinking about your word of the 2025 🤔