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How to Make a Heart Shaped Envelope

How to Make a Heart Shaped Envelope

I want to share a craft that's so lighthearted and fun, just to unwind from any stress you may be going through - I know I have, so find comfort in knowing that you're not alone! We're making DIY heart-shaped envelopes that you can send to someone you like or someone you love. No matter what the occasion is, this envelope is always a hit! 

I purposefully made this tutorial with supplies you can find around the house. It's going to make you feel like you're in third grade again (in a great way). Lots and lots of nostalgia doing these types of arts and crafts. Grab some glue and let's get going!



Make a paper envelope


Step 1: Draw Heart Outline onto Card Stock and Cut the Shape Out

Make a DIY envelope

If you’re using a heart template like me*, start by tracing your template with a pencil onto your card stock to get that perfect heart shape. If you’re more of a wing-it person, go ahead and start by drawing your heart shape directly onto the card stock! Whatever side of your card stock you want to be on the outside, make sure it’s on the bottom.

 After that, cut your heart shape out!

*Pro Tip: I use a heart template so there isn't a bend in the center of my envelope when I  fold the middle to cut a symmetrical heart.


Step 2: Fold the Sides of Your Heart Inwards 

How to make a heart shaped envelope

Position your heart with the tip of the heart at the top and fold the sides of the heart in. It doesn’t matter how far you fold it in, as long as both sides are even! This creates the width of your envelope.

Pro tip: Use the handle of your scissors to apply a hard crease to the folds!


Step 3: Flip the Bottom Portion of the Heart Up 

How to make an evelope


Flip the bottom portion of your heart up, which should reach the top of the folded sides. You should be able to see the shape of the envelope coming together at this point! Feel free to adjust the lines if they’re uneven. I use a pair of scissors to trim where needed (like the top left.. yikes).


Step 4: Unfold the Bottom Portion and Apply Glue to the Side Panels

Make a heart-shaped envelope

Grab your glue or double-sided tape and apply adhesive to the side panels of your envelope. This part will go pretty fast so be ready to apply pressure after your glue or tape is applied!

How to make an envelope

Once you have that glue or tape applied, fold the bottom of your heart back up and keep pressure (if using glue) in order to really dry your glue.


Step 5: Flip the Top Portion Down to Complete Your Envelope

How to make a DIY envelope

Flip the final top panel down to complete your envelope! 

How to make an envelope

Aaaand there you have it! Easy peasy. I love sending these to family and friends via snail mail, as a nice surprise. This envelope is definitely a hit no matter how you use it! I hope you guys loved doing this craft as much as I loved putting it together for you. Again, this community is so special to me and I'm just so dang thankful for all of you! 

Have a lovely day and don't forget to tell someone you love them today!

1 comment on How to Make a Heart Shaped Envelope
  • Donna

    OK … After trying this for over an hour, I give up. I am one who needs a pattern – with fold lines!

    February 23, 2023
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