When it comes to dropshipping, I have tried many, many, many, many different companies and found some of the best and some of the not-so-best for artists... If you catch my drift.
If you've ever thought about dropshipping, this post is perfect for you because I've accumulated four equally great companies to drop ship through! And if you haven't thought about it, I'm sure this blog will make you start thinking about it!
I've included a video at the bottom of this page, so scroll aaaaallll the way down to see the moving visuals!

Packaging: Sustainable packaging!! I'm a huge fan of sustainable packaging, because, the environment, duh! This may or may not be a factor for you, but it seems like most companies are doing their best to be more eco-friendly.

This print came rolled, along with some nice tissue paper, which is another layer of love. The tissue paper is usually it's acid-free, compared to coming in a clear polybag.

Quality: The biggest reason I love Printful is quality. It's always on-point! It has a crisp matte finish on it, the colors are vibrant and the details didn't get lost! 10/10! The print itself is $7 for 8x10" to dropship and I'd say it's between 40 and 60 lb paper so the print itself is nice and thick. I don't usually love when things come rolled but if I know I'll be framing it, I can look past it!

Packaging: Gooten comes in a similar box to Printful but instead of tape, Gooten uses zip-tie looking things. I believe they can be recycled?

It also came packaged in a polybag and small foam sheet which will become a huge pollutant so... not great. Not very sustainable, so that may be a deal-breaker for some of you. Sad face!
The print was also loose in the box because it somehow fell out of the polybag, I'm definitely not happy with that. This is something that can affect the quality of the print and I wouldn't want any of you guys to receive something like this.

Quality: Similar to the Printful one! Very thick, so feels super luxurious (Gooten pictured on the right, Printful on the left). The color is great upon first glance but not as vibrant in the red tones when you really look at it, but honestly, it's so subtle that I wouldn't stress out over it. No small details left behind, which I'm all about! Random small blemish on this one though, not ideal. Cost runs $5.90 for 8x10".

Packaging: This print comes in a flat rigged mailer with a pretty significant backboard to support the print. They also include a "handle with care" sticker, which I love because it makes me feel like my print is getting a security guard to escort it to its new home. It also has a polybag AND is securely taped down to make sure that thing isn't going anywhere!
I can't help but prefer flatlay mailers. It just feels easier to receive prints like this, because if you're lazy like me, you don't have to roll it out yourself. Priorities, ya know?

FinerWorks is new to me, but they have a TON of paper options. Something for everyone! The pricing is around the same at Printful for the basic quality papers ($7-9 for 8x10"), but once you get into that fancy zone it almost doubles in price. So, there are options.

Quality: The archival matte paper is a little thicker than the other two which I loooove (pictured on the far left). Honestly you guys, I think this is my favorite of the three so far! This is the first time I've ordered with them and I'm super impressed. I still love Printful but this is a great competitor! All the details are there and the color is amazing, any differences are very slight.
Art of Where

Packaging: This print was packaged in a flat rigged mailer like FinerWorks. It has a thick backboard to help support the print and they've included a "Do not bend" sticker.
The print comes protected in something that seems like a toy bag, thick and stretchy - which is weird to me. But they do sell other products like apparel, so that could be why. Doesn't really feel like a true print bag so not super impressed with it already.

Quality: This paper is definitely the thickest of all four with a slight sheen to it - almost a satin finish. I was actually pleasantly surprised with the paper quality, especially because it's on the cheaper end of prices, coming in at $6.00 for 8x10". This print is a little lighter (in terms of vibrance) than the others though.

Top left: Printful, Top right: Gooten, Bottom left: Finerworks, Bottom right: Art of Where
My personal preference for prints is a fully matte finish, so with this one having a slight sheen to it, it's not my favorite. In addition, this print is more of an eggshell color compared to the stark white of the others. Whatever floats your boat is definitely what you should go with!
I think overall you'd be happy using any of these companies to dropship. Gooten's print was packaged a little rough so if chancing that is a dealbreaker for you then definitely keep that in mind. If I had to choose, I'd probably stick with my tried-and-true Printful (heart-eyes!) or Finerworks.
As usual, I hope this was helpful for you. I know this process can be super daunting so I'm happy to be here to help! I'd love to know if you've tried any of these companies and if you love em or hate em. Let me know in the comment section of the video below!
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